Tla-o-qui-aht Community Christmas Dinner 2016


A packed Tin Wis Conference Centre it sure was. We lost count at 300, but Santa arrived in Jolly Spirits, and sat with the Tla-o-qui-aht Children as they sang for him.

Tla-o-qui-aht Children performed a traditional song and dance, what an amazing group of children this Nation has, so culturally centered, and graceful.

Merry Christmas Tla-o-qui-aht

Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Day 2016 - Parade

Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Day 2016 - Parade & Opening Ceremony.

About 300 people walked and participated in our parade. Tla-o-qui-aht walked through Tofino alongside floats, waving our Tla-o-qui-aht flags, and handing out candy to little spectators. Afterwards, Tla-o-qui-aht convened on the Village Green, to do a traditional welcome, opening remarks and acknowledgements. The afternoon was filled with fresh BBQ Salmon, excellently prepared by Chef Dan from Jamie's Rainforest Inn, Cake complimentary of Parks Canada & Team, and even Cotton Candy! 

Many thanks go out to our sponsors of this event. You all made this event possible, and really contributed to a historic day for the Tla-o-qui-aht Nation, in the heart of the Tla-o-qui-aht Territory. 

Photo Credits for this Gallery: Vancouver Island Photography - Mike Thompson & Strongheart Productions - Cam Dennison. 




Tla-o-qui-aht members entered 2 canoes for the Tluupiich Games Canoe Races event. A bright and early start to the morning, our pullers gathered on the river in Port Alberni to begin the race. Both canoe’s were brought into Port Alberni for the races, and the energetic crew consisted of:

Arnold Frank, Simon Tom, Bruce Frank, Joenella Frank, Iris Frank, Don Mickey, Janice Thomas, and Francis Frank.

Elmer Frank and Simon Tom Jr.

As early as it was, Tla-o-qui-aht pulled together and the big canoe came in 1st!

Congrats all.

Sports Day Summer 2015

A beautiful day, paired with the amazing views, company, and beach… made for an absolutely wonderful day. Tla-o-qui-aht families gathered on Long Beach for a Summer Sports Day on August 16th-2015. This community organized event was hosted by Ha’wilth Muuchinink, Iris Frank, and Robert Dalton, the community came together to share in a day of sports events, food, crafts, and socializing. Beach races both individual and 3 legged race were a highlight to see all our members participate. Ribbons from infant to elders were distributed. On the sidelines, we had Hjalmer Wenstob doing First Nations crafts with the youth, making mini wood carved plaques, colouring pages. A local RCMP volunteer even stopped by to help man the BBQ! So much community involvement went into this event, we thank you Muuchinink, Iris, Robert Dalton, Creative Salmon, RCMP and all the members and TFN Staff who pitched in to help on site, Margaret Tom, Hjalmer Wenstob, Addie David, Steve Frank, Thomas Zarelli, Allison Howard thank you all!