As our organization re-invents its structure, the youth program will be one of the areas of focus. To date our youth program operated seasonally (summer). Tla-o-qui-aht would engage in hiring summer student workers to gain employment experience in a variety of areas such as Fisheries, Tribal Parks, Public Works etc.

Tla-o-qui-aht Youth are quite the spirited visionaries. We have many of our youth pursuing post secondary education in many areas of study. Talented artists, who are just grazing their artistic careers, ambitious young men learning how to sustain themselves by experiencing the commerical fishing industry.

Among these are dedicated young men and women who are taking a strong part in our cultural activies. Singing and Dancing, Canoe Journey's, guiding along the territories, learning the traditional fishing grounds of the Tla-o-qui-aht people. Wonderful young people who are taking big strides we are so very proud of.

Some activities that we provide are youth are family fun days, year end parties and recognitions, Community Christmas Events, Culture Nights, and some recreational activities. Much more to be coming soon.